Should you have any inquiries, feedback, or reservations, Ipot encourages you to reach out to the restaurant through its contact channels. The restaurant’s knowledgeable and friendly staff is always ready to assist you, ensuring that your experience with the restaurant is seamless and enjoyable. You can contact the restaurant via phone, email, or through the restaurant’s website’s contact form. Whether you have questions about the restaurant’s menu, dietary restrictions, or special requests, the restaurant is here to provide you with prompt and helpful responses. Ipot believes that strong communication is key to fostering a positive dining experience, and the restaurant looks forward to hearing from you soon.

Address: 1420 Irving St, San Francisco, CA 94122

Phone number: +1 415 340-3225

Opening Hours

Ipot Restaurant is delighted to welcome you during the restaurant’s flexible opening hours, ensuring that you can satisfy your hot-pot cravings at your convenience. The restaurant opens its doors early in the afternoon and remains open until late in the evening, allowing you to enjoy a leisurely lunch or indulge in a delightful dinner. Ipot’s extended opening hours are designed to accommodate various schedules, whether you’re seeking a quick and delicious lunch break or a relaxed evening meal with friends and family. Join the restaurant during its operating hours and experience the vibrant flavors, exceptional service, and inviting atmosphere that Ipot Restaurant has to offer.



5 PM–11 PM
5 PM–11 PM
5 PM–11 PM
5 PM–11 PM
5 PM–11 PM
11 AM – 3 PM
5 PM –11 PM
12 AM– 3 PM
5 PM–11 PM

Contact the restaurant’s support team!

Ipot’s support team is well-equipped to address your inquiries and provide the necessary assistance. Whether you need help with account settings, have questions about reservations or special requests, or require assistance with accessing exclusive offers or loyalty programs, Ipot’s is committed to providing a timely response and finding a satisfactory solution.

Rest assured that your privacy and security are of utmost importance to the restaurant, and we handle all information with the strictest confidence. Contact Ipot’s support team today through our user-friendly online form, and let the restaurant ensure that your IPOT Restaurant account is well-managed, so you can fully enjoy our exceptional dining services.

 Following the Map